Description & Benefits : “PMS care+ I” is an app to help people reduce PMS. It predicts the next period and tells users that their temperature starts to change, which indicates that they would have PMS soon. It also suggests users to increase their physical activities to increase circulation of blood in their body, which is essential to reduce the pain. “PMS care+ I” uses Apple Watch/iPhone to get information about user’s physical activities in a day. Currently temperature is not monitored by Apple Watch so that the user needs to input it by themselves. This help women to spend more comfortable days during their period.
Advantages : There are a lot of apps to predict the timing of the next menstruation, but there were no apps focusing on PMS
Product development :
Current stage : We are finalizing the coding and intend to upload it to apple store.
How to built / sent : We use Swift to code the app and plan to launch the “PMS care+ I” to Apple store within this month.
Research and development activities : By developing “PMS care+ I”, we will make “Cons care+ I”. Then we have plan to create “PMS care+ II” and “Cons+ II”, which uses AI and Big data analysis and predict ……..
Product and/or service description
